“Taíno: The Activity Book”


Learn about the Taínos, Puerto Rico’s first native people, in this bilingual activity book with coloring pages, games, and puzzles.


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The Taínos were Puerto Rico’s first native people. This entertaining and educational bilingual activity book has beautiful drawings to color, puzzles, and games to play. With historical notes, a glossary, and an extensive bibliography, the book is not only a valuable resource of information for parents and teachers, but a remarkable way to learn about Puerto Rico’s history. Bilingual (English/Spanish), 44 pages, softcover.

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Este entretenido libro de actividades bilingue contiene bellas ilustraciones para colorear, un laberinto, juegos y adivinanzas, además de notas históricas, glosario y una extensa bibliografía para padres y maestros. Además de ser un valioso recurso de información sobre la gente nativa de Puerto Rico, Taíno, es un modo divertido de aprender sobre la historia de Puerto Rico . Bilingüe (Inglés/Español), 44 páginas, softcover.

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